Green design is becoming imperative. The maturing green building market combined with growing demand for these types of projects gives interior designers and architects little choice whether or not to implement sustainable design. This is more than just doing the right thing for the environment. It represents an opportunity and offers countless benefits you don't want to miss.

One of the things we can all do to reduce the environmental impact of the building (or part of it), is to source sustainable materials. There is quite the misconception that sustainable materials are ugly and costly, but designers and manufacturers are proving those theories wrong everyday. The design community as a whole puts great investment into the aesthetics of their sustainable products and specifying them only brings more value to the final look.

When choosing sustainable materials for your projects, consider using Project Floor's sustainable flooring materials made with ECONYL 100% regenerated yarn. Developed and produced by Aquafil, ECONYL is a nylon yarn regenerated from waste with highly reduced environmental impacts compared to virgin nylon(made from crude oil). It has the same functional properties as virgin nylon yarn, but superior environmental properties. ECONYL helps lower the environmental impact of a building and contributes to environmental certifications.